Export Committee

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Represents membership on export regulatory and operational issues.
This committee has been dormant for too long. During that time we have worked closely with the PCC export committee  to stay in touch with issues affecting the West Coast.  Colin McCarthy, Manager – Operations at International Freight Services Inc., has agreed to chair and reactivate this CBFANC committee in order to have an even greater impact in FMC matters.
We expect to champion issues such as:
  • Abolishment of rate filing requirements
  • Capacity issues
  • Carrier customer service failures
  • Oakland Port export issues
We invite members wanting to get involved with this or any other committee to contact the committee chairperson at the email address below.  We are always looking for members to get more involved with their association and be a part of the process.
Export Committee: export@cbfanc.org

S.W. (John) Lee
SW Logistics Inc 

